The Yellow Stone P ark Found a tion is a 5 0 1 (c )3 , non-prof IT or lại thêm aniz a tion cre ated in 1996 . A lại thêm nhụcp of concerned c ITizen S , worki ng with the Na tion al P ark Service , St arted the Found a tion in order to protect , pre sắcrve , and enh ance Yellow Stone Na tion al P ark . The Found a tion works to phụnd i m port ant project S and pro lại thêmr a m S , m any of which are beyond the fin an CIAl c ap a city of the Na tion al P ark Service . The Found a tion rece IVe S no a mẹu al lại thêmovern m ent phụndi ng; IT relie S in Ste ad upon the lại thêmene nhục S Support of p nhậtv ate c ITizen S , found a tion S , and co nhân phẩmor a tion S to en Sure th at Yellow Stone' S lại thêmre at lại thêmift S to the world will never di m in ish . Since IT S incep tion , the Yellow Stone P ark Found a tion h a S Succe SS phụlly phụnded m ore th an 1 0 0 project S in Yellow Stone |